Monday, April 30, 2007

I love car rides

I LOVE car rides. They are so cool.

I love smearing up the windows with my nose even though the humans hate it when I do this.

I love getting in the car first and hogging an in tire row of sets causing the humans to have to share the remaining.

I love pretending to almost push one of the petals freaking the driver out.

I love sticking my face out the car window with my tongue out and hoping that no bugs will happen to decide to take a vacation on yellow lab dog tongue.

I love giving the humans a living foot rest.

I love sitting proud up in the front and ruling the car.

I love jumping over seats and squashing anyone in my path. By the way I weigh 85 so I'm not exactly fun to be squashed by.

Well anyway I love car rides so when anyone says "Go get in the car boy" in their sweet tone of voice I'll come running.


Anika and Tobias said...

SAME EXACT THING WITH ME!! except I prefer the trunk, Lady does all the jumping in the front and stuff... Sometimes I jump to the back seat too, I also weigh 85lbs.

Sherman said...

Wow we have a lot in commin.

Abby said...

Man, you guys are both big dogs. I'm not allowed in the front of the car, only the trunck. Whenever my mommy takes me for a ride she yells "hup" and I come running. I think it's a German thing.....

Maggie said...

I live going in car rides to

Maggie said...

I weigh about 90-95 pounds

Sherman said...

boy your fat.

Maggie said...


Abby said...

No offense, but seriously Maggie, maybe you should consider going on a diet!

Charlie said...

I love riding in the car, too!! Nothin' better -- head out the window, wind in your ears, whooo-eee!
- Charlie

Jake said...

I like car rides too, but sometimes I get so excited for a car ride, only to find we're going to the vet. What a disappointment!