Friday, March 9, 2007

Steps for preparing for a walk

There are many ways and steps for preparing for a walk. Here is what I do.

Step #1: wait patiently for the human to get ready.

(This part is very frustrating.)

Step #2: Get your leach on.

(This I also make hard on the humans)

Step #3: Go!!!!!!!

This is the fun part!!!!!!


Abby said...

I just keep walking around very impaitently until we go. Then, I run to the door!

Phoebe said...

That sounds like a lot of bother.

Cash said...

I agree with you....the hoomans usually take TOO LONG and I get impatient....BUT, I usually do not make it hard for them...I sit very still while Momma leashes me up...and then ZOOOMMMMM, out the door I go!

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

I'm with Phoebe. Too many steps. That's why cats don't go for walks, as a rule. Although some of the cats I've met on the blogosphere seem to like it.

Anonymous said...

I'm not much for leaches but then, I try to stay out of the pond.

Christine and FAZ said...

Hope you had fun on your walk Sherman. FAZ