Monday, December 18, 2006

I've been tagged!!!!!!

I've been Christmas tagged by my friend sydney.

Here are the rules of chrismas tag.
If your tagged you must write 3 things you want for christmas and 3 thing you don't want.
Then Tag 5 other people and they have to write their chistmas wishes, nonwishes(things they don't want) as well as the rules.
When tagging someone write a comment on their blog saying "you've been christmas tagged" and tell them to check your blog.

Things I want for Christmas.
  1. A good amont of food.
  2. A new bone. (mines all torn up.)
  3. A warm house for snuggling.

Things I don't want for Chrismas.

  1. No, silly pictures tooken of me.
  2. No, being left out side while the family has fun.
  3. No, not enogh food in my dish.

Okay now I will tag my victims. This will be hard because most tagged me or have been already tooken.

I will tag phebee and monica (even thogh they're cats).My mom, Pablo, Romeo, Splash.

As long as I'm fed I'm happy.


sydney said...

benji the golden retriever.

Prince said...

Bite You ! Hehehe, You've been Christmas tagged!". To find out more please visit my blog :)

sydney said...

hey sherman how did you get added to the Dog blog?

Christine and FAZ said...

Even though I am just a humble cat, I agree with your sentiments.

Monica said...

We did our list for your enjoyment, Sherman.