Thursday, December 14, 2006

Finding Dog blogs!

I fond lots of dog blogs thanks to Syd, for telling me a cool site were I could find them. There must be millions out there I only looked at a few but there certainly is a lot!!
My mom's sister's dog (jazz) started a blog so check it out.
As long as I'm fed I'm happy!!!!!


Frankie Girl, Maddie and Domino said...

Hi Sid! I just found your blog!
You are one nice looking puppers!
I am a Chocolate Lab, just shy of being a 1 year old. Well I just wanted to give you a shout and maybe you can stop by and say hey at my blog! Yours is very nic :-)

Xmas Wishes!
Maddie the Chocolate Lab Bunny

Sherman said...

Hi I've been hoping to find more dogs!!! Thanks!

Justin said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Hey Sherman,

Just a friendly warning - the comment above this one by Justin is spam, and I suggest you delete his comment as if you go to his blog you will get nasties on your computer.


8675309 said...

Hi, Sherman! That must be how you found us...thanks for stopping by!