Saturday, September 8, 2007

Things have been really weird around here. Every morning, the kids disappear for hours. It's like, where are they? Oh yeah...I did walk them to the brick building yesterday. Mom kissed them goodbye, they patted me on the head and then they went inside of it. Then Mom and I walked home again. Later on in the day...a big yellow thing rolls up the road and Mom says, "the kids are home" and I run to the window and look out. They come inside and then they trash the house.
Oh well. As long as I'm still fed, I'm happy.


Luna und Luzie said...

That is nearly as with us. Our kids have to walk, no yellow thing, the school is 5 minutes near our house.
I like this photo on the window !

Sherman said...

My boy walks or rides his bike. My girls ride the bus.

sydney said...

I love it when the children leave..... i get mom all to my self no sharing. I like that.