Saturday, February 10, 2007

Napping in the sun

I personally think the kids are crazy. It freezing outside and they're still out there. I personally would rather lay in the warm sun instead.

Our house has all of a sudden go quiet since the girl and her friend left on a retreat. What a perfect day for a nap.


Priscilla said...

You do look nice and comfy there in the sun.

lucy said...

Isn't it like a little piece of heaven to nap in the sun? I myself am a professional napper (usually on the couch or a bed). I have to say though that I am awfully fond of playing in the snow with my kids! At least until it freezes in between my little toesies!

Anonymous said...

I also prefer to stay inside and sleep where its warm and toasty. I can't seem to grow myself a thick enough coat for winter so I don't stay out too long.

Monica said...

Finally, something that you dogs have got right. napping in the sun is a wonderful cat-like activity.

Jake said...

Napping is nice, but once in a while I need to cool off. Right now I am on vacation at my grandma's house while my family is away. I haven't had anything to blog about lately.